- Nowadays physical limits (speed, miniaturization) of traditional computers have been almost reached. Current attention of the industrial and scientific communities is dedicated to new computational paradigms and areas of their possible applications.
- In spite of huge investments, there do not exist on the market general purpose unconventional computer architectures ready for a broad implementation and production. For instance, industrial quantum general purpose computers do not exist (D-Wave is not general purpose).
- Traditional computers work with finite numbers only. Numerical computations with infinities and infinitesimals are impossible due to: 1. the presence of indeterminate forms such as ∞ – ∞, ∞ / ∞, ∞ · 0. 2. the impossibility to put infinite numbers in the finite computer memory.
- There exists an insuperable wall in performance beyond which traditional computers are not able to go and all kinds of divergences and usage of infinitesimals can be studied only analytically by human beings.